• Traditional Games

    Khmer traditional games​​ are being played during​ Khmer festivals, especially on the new year day for celebrating and transforming the dull days ...

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  • Siem Reap Province

    Siem Reap, located in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the world-famous Angkor temple complex, which includes the magnificent Angkor Wat...

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  • The French Tower

    The French Tower in Tboung Khmum Province is to be judged as one of the must-see place which can attract every single ...

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Phnom Bok Temple

Phnom Bok is the name of temple which built in the late 9th and 10th centuries on the mountain but no one know from where the name came. The temple that was constructed by King Yasavarman I, located in teh northeast of East Baray. Due to the heavily damaged over time, this temple was made of brick. 

Banteay Samre Temple

Banteay Samre Temple was built by King Suryavarman II, in the middle of the 12th century. The temple which constructed for dedicating to Visnu Brahmaninsm, located about 400 meters east of East Baray, and about 2 kilometers from Pradak Village and south of the road from Pradak to Phnom Bok. All of the structures around the moat are on a raised base with horizontal moldings, decorated in some areas with figures framed by lotus buds. 

Preah Khan Temple

Preah Khan Temple is a Buddhist complex cover 56 hectares served as the nucleus of a group that includes Neak Poan and Ta Som temple, located 4 kilometers long Jayatataka Baray- the last of the great reservoirs to be built in Angkor. Preash Kan temple was built by king Jayavarman VII in the second half of the 12th century in AD 1191, and this temple was constructed for dedicating to his father, Dharanindravarman. 

Neak Poan Temple

Neak Poan Temple was built in the second half of the 12th century by king Jayavarman VII which located east of Preah Khan and about 300 meters off the road. This temple was constructed for dedicating to Avalokitshavara, Neak Poan Temple seems to have served as a place where pilgrims could go and take the waters; both physically and symbolically the Khmer equivalent of a spa. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ta Som Temple

Ta Som Temple was built by King Jayavarman VII in the early 13th century for dedicating to his father. This temple is located in the east of Neak Poan temple. A significant feature of Ta Som temple is teh growth of huge ficus tree on the east gopura, which provides a dramatic example of nature and art entwined. 

Chao Say Tevoda Temple

Chao Say Tevoda Temple was constructed for dedicating to Brahmanism and also known as the brother-sister temple with Thommanon temple due to these two small monuments framed by the jungle that stand across the road from each other. Chao Say Tevoda was built in the late 11th and early 12th centuries by King Suryavarman II, this temple located in the south of Thommanon temple. 

East Mebon Temple

East Mebon Temple is similar to Pre Rub temple in plan, construction and decoration. East Mebon Temple was built in AD 952 by King Rajendravarman, which located is about 500 meters northeast of Pre Rup Temple. This temple once stood on a small island, so the only access was by boat to one of the four landing platforms.

Pre Rup Temple

Pre Pup Temple was built in 961 during the reign of King Rajendravarman (AD 910-923), which located about 2 kilometers northeast of Srah Srang and about 500 meters south of the east Baray. This temple was constructed for dedicating to Shiva Brahmanism.Up to now, Cambodians regards this temple as having funerary association, but its true functions is uncertain. 

Kravan Temple

Kravan Temple was built in 921 during the reign of King Harshavarman I ( AD 910-923) which located in the east of Angkor Wat and south of Beanteay Kdey Temple. The temple was constructed for dedicating to Vishnu Brahmanism. Kravan Temple contains some remarkable brick sculptures on its interior walls which stand alone as unique examples in Khmer art. 

Srah Srang

Srah Srang is a large lake which is 700 by 300 meters with an elegant lading terrace of superb proportion and scale. This lake was built in the late 12th century by King Jayavarman VII, which located opposite Banteay Kdey Temple. Srah Srang is a pleasure spot to sit and look over the surrounding plain. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Banteay Kdey Temple

Banteay Kdey Temple is the temple that similar in art and architecture of Ta Prohm Temple, but it is smaller and less complex. The temple was built in the latter half of the 12th and early 13th centuries by King Jayavarman VII which located in the south of Ta Prohm Temple. The original basic plan of the temple including a central sanctuary, a surrounding gallery and a passageway connected to anther gallery. 

Ta Prohm Temple

Ta Prohm Temple was built by King Jayavarman VII in AD 1186 to dedicating to his mother. Ta Prohm Temple located about 1 kilometer in the east of the Victory Gate, and south of Takeo Temple. The temple famous for the kapok trees spread their gigantic roots over, under and in between the stones, probing walls and terraces. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Ta Keo Temple

Ta Keo Temple would have been one of the finest temple at Angkor, was built by King Jayavarman V and Suryavarman I in the late 10th to the early 12th centuries. This temple is located in the east of Thommanon and Chao Say Tevoda on the east bank of Stung Siem Reap.

Sour Proat Temple

Sour Proat Temple served as anchoring places for rope with stretched from one to another for acrobats performing at festivals which located at the beginning of the road leading to victory gate, in front of the Royal Palace. This sandstone temple was built by King Jayavarman VII in the late of 12th century and the features a row of 12 square laterite and sandstone towers. 

Preah Pithu Temple

Preah Pithu Temple was built between the 13th and 16th centuries. This temple located in the northeast of the Terrace of the Leper King. Preah Pithu Temple was construct by King Suryavarman II. Most of the structures are in poor condition, but their bases remain and, from the evidence, the temple were of the excellent quality in design, workmanship and decoration. 

Preah Palilay Temple

Preah Palilay Temple was built by King Jayavarman VII's father, King Dharanindravarman (AD1150-1160), who was a Buddhist. This sandstone temple located in the north of Phimeanakas Temple and behind Tep Pranom. The scenes depicted are; east, a reclining Buddha, which is especially beautiful in the midmorning. North, a standing Buddha with his hand resting on an elephant. 

The north & South Kliang Temple

The north & South Kliang Temple was built by King Jayavarman V in the late 10th and early 11th centuries. This sandstone temple located just behind Sour Proat Temple and opposite the Terraces of the Elephants and the Leper King.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Welcome to Cambodia! the kingdom of wonder, My name is Pheap Phana; a graduated student in the field of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Cambodia Mekong University. I am an administer of this Rumdul25, due to my passionate about travel and discover  the tourist sites in Cambodia, I have decided to create this blog which going to describe my real experiences and some recommends relate the tourist attractions that I have been visited. I have traveled to many tourist destinations in my kingdom of Cambodia now - most of those trips just for fun with group and free individual traveler. I am really enjoy to my free-spirit lifestyle event though, sometime I almost become a street beggar due to my nonstop travelling. I have countless stories and amazing memories from my travel, I want to share this world with you. I hope, you will enjoy reading my trip stories from now on. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Terrace of the Elephants

The Terrace of the Elephants is located directly in front of the east gopura of the Royal Palace rampart. The terrace was built in the late 12th century by King Jayavarman VII. There, tourists can enjoy seeing the facade decorated with elephants and their riders depicted are using their trunks to hunt and fight while tigers claw at them. 

Source: Phnom Penh Tours Book

Terrace of Leper King

The Terrace of the Leper King is located on the way from Bayon temple to the DeiChhang Gate onn the left and north of Terrace of the Elephants. It was build in the late 12th century by King Jayavarman VII. The curious name of this terrace refer to a statue of the Leper King that is one the platform of the terrace. 

Source: Phnom Penh Tours Book 

Phimean Akas Temple

Phimean Akas Temple  was originally known as Hemasrngagiri means "gold" based on Chinese emissary Zhou Daguan described it as the Tower of Gold. It was the temple where the king worshiped. Phimean Akas Temple located in the south of Baphuon Temple within the confines of the Royal Palace. 

Baphuon Temple

Baphuon Temple was built in the 11th century by King Udayadityavarman II (AD 1050-1066), dedicating to Brahmanism. This temple located near Angkor Thom ( Bayon Temple). Baphuon is a single temple mountain sanctuary situated on a high base symbolizing Mount Meru. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Angkor Thom

Angkor Thom, some Cambodian people called "Bayon Temple" is the former capital city of Angkor Period. This temple was built during ( AD802-1432) until the last 15th century, Angkor Thom was served as the religious and administrative center of the vast and powerful of Khmer Empire. The Bayon temple vies with Angkor Wat the favorite monument of visitor, the two evoke similar aesthetic responses yet are different in purpose, design, architecture and decoration. to get there, tourists just travel pass Angkor Wat then straight ahead around 3 kilometers by passing Bakheng mountain and Baksei Chamkrong entrance. and then you will reach Angkor Thom. 

Baksei Chamkrong Temple

Baksei Chamkrong Temple was built by King Harshavarman I (AD 910-944) and completed by King Rejendravarman (AD 944-968), and dedicating by Shiva Brashmanism. The temple is located just around 150 meters north of Phnom Bakheng. Tourists can enjoy seeing this temple and capturing some pictures for memorable before continuing to visit Angkor Thom temple because it is on the same road. 

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat was listed as the world heritage site since 1992 has became one of the most populous tourist sites around the world. The temple located just around 7 kilometers north of Siem Reap Provincial town. This temple was constructed in the early of 12th of century by reign of King Suryavarman II (AD1113 - 1150). Angkor Wat is the largest Hindu temple complex in the world, which lies 5.5 kilometers north of the modern town of Siem Reap and a short distance south and slightly east of previous capital, where there is an important group of ancient structures. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Phnom Bakheng Temple

Phnom Bakheng Temple was built on a 65 meters high natural hill. The temple located on the left side of the road from Angkor Wat to Angkor Thom. The temple was constructed in the late 9th and early 10th centuries by reign of King Yasovarman I (AD 889-910), dedicating to Shiva Brahmanism. This temple became the most value of seeing the most beautiful sunset in Cambodia. 

Pub Street

The Old Market, in Cambodia called (Phsa Chas) is the most populous area for local and foreign tourist to go and visit​ in Siem Reap Province. There including, Pub Street, the Pub Street alleys​ where tourists could enjoy dining, shopping, nightlife center of the town. After the sun set, the focus falls to "Pub Street" and Pub Street alleys which mix of the variety of a budget-friendly business, bar and restaurant, boutique shop, galleries & souvenir​ store...etc.  

Monday, April 4, 2016

Leak Kanseng

A game performed by a group of kids soaking in a group. Someone having a "kanseng" (Cambodian towel) that is turned into a circular shape strolling the group while performing music. The individual strolling privately tries to place the "kanseng" behind one of the kids. If that selected child understands what is being conducted, he or she must pick up the "kanseng" and defeat the individual seated next to him or her.

Bos Angkunh

The simple design comprises of just tossing the Ongkunhs to hit the focus on other Ongkunhs which put in line. The prolonged design contributes five more levels in addition to the tossing level. Both designs end with a problem called Jours-activity that the successful associates get to carry out on the dropping associates. The Jours-activity is completed by using the Onkunghs the hit your legs of the dropping group.

Chab Kon Kleng

A traditional game performed by emulating a hen as she defends her women from a crow. Grownups generally perform the experience on night of the first New Year's Day. Members usually designate a powerful gamer to perform the hen who defends "her" women, while another person is selected to be the "crow". While both ends perform a music of negotiating, the crow tries to capture as many women as possible as they cover up behind the hen.

Chol Chhoung

A game performed especially during the day of the Khmer New Year by two multiple ladies and guys. Ten or twenty people consist of each team, they have to stand in two series reverse each other. One team throw the "chhoung" to the other team. When it is captured, it will be quickly tossed returning to the first team. If someone is hit by the "chhoung," the whole team must dancing to get the "chhoung" returning while the other team performs to the dancing.

Khmer Traditional Game

Khmer traditional games​​ are being played during​ Khmer festivals, especially on the new year day for celebrating and transforming the dull days into memorable occasions. The traditional games are being played in many different places based on the people views and locations, but mostly play in the pagodas because it easy for reunion and gathering people. Tboung Khmum people are love playing traditional game like other provinces in Cambodia, so the most populous games are Chol Chhoung, Chab Kon Kleng, Bos Angkunh, Leak Kanseng, and Bay Khom. 

Black Lion Football Court

Black Lion is the official name of Tboung Khmum football team which represent for this province located in Suong town. This team which always take part in Cambodia football such as Hun Sen Cup or some other regional football events. If you prefer to see how regional football court look like, we would like to recommend this football court for you.   

Sek Rorng Resort

If you are staying in Suong town of Tboung Khmum Province, please take your time to visit a newly man-made resort of Sek Rorng just taking several minutes from the town center. It located in a quite place which surround by thousands hectares of rice fields. There, tourists can enjoy fishing, seeing beautiful red fish in the pond, taking rice field fresh air, and tourist can order foods and drinks in this resort as well.   

Chamkar Dong Kro Oub resort

Chamkar Dong Kro Oub is a man-made resort located in Tboung Khmum Province. This resort is built in coconut farm by creating a recreation swimming pool park for people who enjoy swimming and prefer a quiet place for relaxing during the weekend. Not only the pool but tourist, can find available organic coconut and some other fruits which grow in this farm. To get there, tourist just take several minutes from Suong town. 


Pagoda is the place for reunion villagers during khmer festival such as new year, pchum ben, and some other cultural activities. Pagoda is not only a place for preserving khmer cultures but also a place for  celebrate social events together. Most people in Cambodia believe in Buddhism religion hence people always think about cause and effect for all doing something follow by Buddhist karma. There, tourists will see the unique culture of construction Khmer pagodas and many kind of Buddha statues.    

The French Tower

The French Tower in Tboung Khmum Province is to be judged as one of the must-see place which can attract every single of foreign tourists go to see and capture this unique French style construction during colonial in Cambodia. Tourists who stay at Kampong Cham town can visit this man-made place easily just crossing Kizona Bridge, then they will see this tower on their left-hand side. 

Koh Pen

Koh Pen is the most populous natural resort in Kampong Cham which can attract hundreds of visitors go to enjoy there everyday. The location is not far from Kampong Cham Town, just spend several minutes crossing Bamboo bridge and then you will reach the this natural resort. Here, you can enjoy swimming in the cool river, walking along river beach, playing sports on the beach, taking a freshly river air, and you can order foods and drinks in this resort as well with a reasonable price. 

Pepper farm

Memot district of Tboung Khmum  Province is the largest pepper producing region in Cambodia if compared to other producing regions such as Kep, Kampot, Preah Sihanouk, Kratie and Takeo provinces etc. There, tourists will enjoy seeing hundreds  hectare of pepper farm which grow by regional people who live in this district. Memot is rich of its red soil with organic fertilizer which can make plants grow well. So most of people who live in this district, their main job is doing farm by growing many kind of plants base on what the market demand. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Kbal Boeung Seas Village

Kbal Boeung Sea is one of most remote countryside village in the north-east  of Suong, the capital town of Tboung Khmum Province. To reach this village, tourists have to travel along a dusty road and throwing thousands of rubber fields and crop plantations hence, it may take around 30 minutes by motor or car driving from Suong Town. On the way, tourists could see the living lifestyle of Tboung Khmum people growing many of crops for supporting their living. Exactly, most of people who live in the countryside of this province depending on selling agricultural products which they grow in their private fields and plantations.      

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Suong Town

Suong Town, is a small capital town of a newly announcement province, Tboung Khmum. Suong has became a new cultural, comercial place in this province. From day-by-day this small town along the national road 7, is becoming place of diverse economic and urban growth.

Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krao

Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krao Temple is a favorite haunt among tourists in Kampong Cham. The temple is located in the southeastern part of Kampong Cham, and it reflects the culture and traditions of Cambodia. You can easily reach Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krao Temple, Kampong Cham via National Road no. 7. The Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krao Temple, Kampong Cham spread over an area of 2500 square meters and is made up of the Tum Nup or Kam Pheng Poat Chum Vinh, Koh An Det or Kor Prak, Preay Theat Pond, Preah Theat Temple and the Thum Temple. The Tum Nup or Kam Pheng Poat Chum Vinh is placed strategically around the city of Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krao. This consists of a border made up of bamboo which makes it easily accessible. The Sras Toem or the Koh An Det is situated at the northern part of the village and is about 30 meters in length and 20 meters in width. The Thum Temple which is situated on the high hill of the Khoeun includes 3 temples made of solid brick. The Preah Theat Temple placed at the eastern part of Thum temple and consists of 6 temples that were damaged by war.

Rubber Plantation

Rubber Field is judged as one most populous natural site in this newly announcement province, Tboung Khmum. Most of tourists come to visit or travel across this province, what they prefer most to see is the view of rubber plantations due to not in everywhere of country could grow the rubber tree; only Thoung Khmum, Kampong Cham and Kratie have an abundance of red soil and water resources, which create idea conditions for the cultivation of rubber. When tourists in the rubber field, they will have an unique feeling to see the view which ever haven't seen before, are the rows and rows of rubber trees as far as your could see.  

Mekong River View

Tboung Khmum Province, is the a newly announcement province after separating from Kampong Cham Province during 2014. This province is also famous for its natural attraction of Mekong River which is the longest river across Cambodia. Tourists can enjoy river front sightseeing, taking the most fleshly river air along the river front, and tourists can also have a chance to see the beautiful sunset from the river bank of Tboung Khmum Province as well. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Haong Waterfall

The site is a hill which has a high cliff and waterfall. Not reachable at one time, it has become a well known vacationer location in Tboung Khmum Province. There might be no other place like Haong in the region, where guests can see real natural destination. Those who have frequented will forever keep in mind the forest and the gorgeous waterfall is good for diving and swimming. Buddhists often come there to wish to the Buddha sculpture and to get delights from the monk who lifestyles there. According to regional regulators, there are 1,800 hectares of forest at Haong. Some of the plants have been cut by regional villagers to clear area to village.

Preah Theat Tuek Chha

The Wat Phreah Theat Thmor Da Forehead is an historical site in Kampong Cham. International tourists really like to go to Wat Phreah Theat Thmor Da Forehead as it features the wealthy social customs of a nation which homes the Globe Culture attraction as announced by UNESCO. The tourists can come across the Wat Phreah Theat Thmor Da Forehead at the south eastern area of the area of Kampong Cham in the Preah Theat Thmor Da town. Travelers can go Preah Theat Teuk Chhar by getting National Street 7 from Kampong Cham, turn right at the provincial road and continuing 13 miles before switching right again and driving another 5 miles along a tunel pathway, to the forehead destination.