• Traditional Games

    Khmer traditional games​​ are being played during​ Khmer festivals, especially on the new year day for celebrating and transforming the dull days ...

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  • Siem Reap Province

    Siem Reap, located in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the world-famous Angkor temple complex, which includes the magnificent Angkor Wat...

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  • The French Tower

    The French Tower in Tboung Khmum Province is to be judged as one of the must-see place which can attract every single ...

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Phnom Bok Temple

Phnom Bok is the name of temple which built in the late 9th and 10th centuries on the mountain but no one know from where the name came. The temple that was constructed by King Yasavarman I, located in teh northeast of East Baray. Due to the heavily damaged over time, this temple was made of brick. 

Banteay Samre Temple

Banteay Samre Temple was built by King Suryavarman II, in the middle of the 12th century. The temple which constructed for dedicating to Visnu Brahmaninsm, located about 400 meters east of East Baray, and about 2 kilometers from Pradak Village and south of the road from Pradak to Phnom Bok. All of the structures around the moat are on a raised base with horizontal moldings, decorated in some areas with figures framed by lotus buds. 

Preah Khan Temple

Preah Khan Temple is a Buddhist complex cover 56 hectares served as the nucleus of a group that includes Neak Poan and Ta Som temple, located 4 kilometers long Jayatataka Baray- the last of the great reservoirs to be built in Angkor. Preash Kan temple was built by king Jayavarman VII in the second half of the 12th century in AD 1191, and this temple was constructed for dedicating to his father, Dharanindravarman. 

Neak Poan Temple

Neak Poan Temple was built in the second half of the 12th century by king Jayavarman VII which located east of Preah Khan and about 300 meters off the road. This temple was constructed for dedicating to Avalokitshavara, Neak Poan Temple seems to have served as a place where pilgrims could go and take the waters; both physically and symbolically the Khmer equivalent of a spa. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ta Som Temple

Ta Som Temple was built by King Jayavarman VII in the early 13th century for dedicating to his father. This temple is located in the east of Neak Poan temple. A significant feature of Ta Som temple is teh growth of huge ficus tree on the east gopura, which provides a dramatic example of nature and art entwined. 

Chao Say Tevoda Temple

Chao Say Tevoda Temple was constructed for dedicating to Brahmanism and also known as the brother-sister temple with Thommanon temple due to these two small monuments framed by the jungle that stand across the road from each other. Chao Say Tevoda was built in the late 11th and early 12th centuries by King Suryavarman II, this temple located in the south of Thommanon temple. 

East Mebon Temple

East Mebon Temple is similar to Pre Rub temple in plan, construction and decoration. East Mebon Temple was built in AD 952 by King Rajendravarman, which located is about 500 meters northeast of Pre Rup Temple. This temple once stood on a small island, so the only access was by boat to one of the four landing platforms.